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Some exciting news: I am the new football team doctor for Lambert High School in south Forsyth County (http://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/lhs/site/default.asp). This should be fun. I always enjoyed watching football, having grown up in Canton, OH. Some of you may know that as the home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame (http://www.profootballhof.com/). Canton is a fun place to be during the HOF festivities every August. If you are a huge football fan, you should make a visit to the museum. If you ever see it, you would think that it looks like an orange juicer :) Another treat while living in Canton was watching the annual McKinley-Massillon football games. That is one intense rivalry. If you lived in Stark County, you were either a Bulldog or a Tiger.

Hope to see you all out at the games!